What is SaaS & why do the Tech investors love this model

1 min read

Investors love to put their money in reputable businesses which have a sustainable model of business in the long run with a history of being profitable. SaaS (Software as a Service) model certainly falls into this scheme of things – producing fast-growing revenue with predictability and reliability. Before moving to look at the visual details that make it so enticing to invest in this sector, let’s take a brief look at what is SaaS & how it has evolved over the years. In the older days (90’s & early 2000’s), we used to buy software programs like Microsoft Office or…...

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Faisal Khan Faisal is based in Canada with a background in Finance/Economics & Computers. He has been actively trading FOREX for the past 11 years. Faisal is also an active Stocks trader with a passion for everything Crypto. His enthusiasm & interest in learning new technologies has turned him into an avid Crypto/Blockchain & Fintech enthusiast. Currently working for a Mobile platform called Tradelike as the Senior Technical Analyst. His interest for writing has stayed with him all his life ever since started the first Internet magazine of Pakistan in 1998. He blogs regularly on Financial markets, trading strategies & Cryptocurrencies. Loves to travel.

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